About Us

The Federal University of Viçosa, located in Viçosa, southeastern Brazil, was founded in 1926. A total of 67 undergraduate courses and 40 graduate courses are offered to approximately 15,000 students. Since its establishment, UFV has had a strong tradition in Crop and Animal Sciences, and it is considered a Brazilian Excellence Center in these research fields. The Plant Physiology Graduate Program (PPGP) at UFV is the leading Brazilian program dedicated to research and teaching in plant physiology. Indeed, since 2004, this program has been determined to be the best Brazilian graduate program in plant physiology through official assessments.

The PPGP leading to a Master’s degree was established in 1970, and the PPGP leading to a doctoral degree was established in 1988. Both programs constitute a pioneer initiative in Latin America. Until 2019, a total of 351 students have earned a Master’s degree and 185 students have earned a Doctorate in this program.

Presently, our program has 13 professors that advise 48 PhD students and 22 Masters students, all of whom are supported by approximately 9 postdocs, 15 technicians and administrative staff. We have active research programs covering most areas of ecophysiology, plant metabolism and molecular plant physiology. Prof. Fábio M. DaMatta is the present Coordinator of our graduate program.

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