
Ripening and Senescence Control of Perishable Organs

Metabolism regulation in detached organs. Ripening and senescence as related to pre-harvest conditions. Manipulation of the post-harvest life of perishable organs.

Ripening and Senescence Control of Perishable Organs

Metabolism regulation in detached organs. Ripening and senescence as related to pre-harvest conditions. Manipulation of the post-harvest life of perishable organs.

Adriano Nunes-Nesi

Agustin Zsögön

Marcelo Rogalski

Pedro Augusto Braga dos Reis

Wagner C. Otoni

Photosynthesis and Productivity of Tropical and Subtropical Plants

Environmental and endogenous control of photosynthesis and dry matter distribution in plants and ecosystems. Photosynthetic responses to abiotic stresses and pathogens

Fábio M. DaMatta

Fabrício A. Rodrigues

Pedro Augusto Braga dos Reis

Samuel Cordeiro Vitor Martins

Wagner L. Araújo

Plant Mineral Metabolism

Mineral acquisition, transport and metabolism. Resistance/tolerance mechanisms to deficiencies, excesses and toxic elements. Silicon and plant-pathogen interactions.

Cléberson Ribeiro

Fabrício A. Rodrigues

Juraci A. Oliveira

Plant Organic Metabolism

Sources of N for plants. Nitrate reduction and ammonium assimilation. Amino acid, ureide and carbohydrate metabolism. Relationships among photosynthesis, respiration and N and P metabolism. Mitochondrial metabolism.

Adriano Nunes-Nesi

Fábio M. DaMatta

Wagner L. Araújo

Regulation of Plant Development

Regulation of vegetative and reproductive development. Regulatory effects of environmental and endogenous cues on plant development. Seed germination and physiology. Chemical control of growth and production.

Agustin Zsögön

Dimas M. Ribeiro

Marcelo Rogalski

Wagner C. Otoni

Wagner L. Araújo

Plant Responses to Pollutants

Regulation of vegetative and reproductive development. Regulatory effects of environmental and endogenous cues on plant development. Seed germination and physiology. Chemical control of growth and production.

Cléberson Ribeiro

Juraci A. Oliveira